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Institute of Recycling Technologies

Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling
Technical University of Kosice

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Master’s study program - two-year


Study programme: WASTES TREATMENT AND RECYCLING (1612 702)

The aim of study programme is educated graduate of environmental engineering branch with the wild theoretical knowledge in the field of chemical and other natural science.

Graduate profile:

  • achieves compact education in field of waste treatment and recycling,
  • achieves knowledge from theoretical fundamental technological processes waste treatment in metallurgical sphere and its environment impact,
  • will be able educational attainment apply on collection, separation, and waste treatment, recycling and potentialities its using as a raw secondary materials,
  • ability in field of environment monitoring, collecting, separation, and treatment different kind of wastes,
  • dokáže analyzovať vplyv odpadov na životné prostredie a kvalitu ľudského života,
  • gets ready to study the third level of study.

The practical applications of graduates:

Applies as a technologist and manager in many fields of metallurgy where is waste produced and it is necessary to disposal.