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Institute of Recycling Technologies

Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling
Technical University of Kosice

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Bachalor's Theses

Current bachelor's topics in the academic year 2022/2023

Supervisor Student Topic of thesis
doc. Ing. Dagmar Remeteiová, PhD. Pavol Lubušký Možnosti využitia iónovej výmeny pri úprave odpadových vôd.
Ing. Jakub Klimko, PhD. Leokádia Malecová Membránové technológie a ich použitie v recyklácií lítiových akumulátorov.
Ing. Alexandra Kollová Alexandra Janitorová Možnosti získavania cínu z odpadov.
Ing. Vladimír Marcinov Martin Kurian Možnosti získavania vybraných kovov z roztokov po lúhovaní lítiových akumulátorov.
Ing. Šimon Nagy Samuel Marián Onderko Material composition analysis of selected electronic elements from printed circuit boards.
Ing. Zita Takáčová, PhD. Daniela Krajňáková Pyrolýza a splyňovanie odpadov.
Ing. Tomáš Vindt, PhD. Lea Toporceová Vplyv elektromobilov na životné prostredie v porovnaní s automobilmi so spaľovacím motorom.

Procedures at chosing the topic of bachelor thesis

  1. A student choses a topic.
  2. His/Her chosing will personally discuss with a potential supervisor
  3. After consultation will apply for a topic on the secretary of IRT (Mrs. Sebekova)
  4. More than one student can apply for one topic
  5. A supervisor will chose a student for a topic on the basis of his own criterium
  6. Students who will not chosen by a supervisor have to apply for another topic
  7. If a student will not chose a topic, head of the department will assign a topic to a student
  8. After chosing a topic, student has to register his topic into MAIS