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Institute of Recycling Technologies

Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling
Technical University of Kosice

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Title: Modern spectral methods for identifying of heavy metals in the environmental samples polluted by metallurgical industry. Direct vs. solution analysis.

Principal investigator: doc. RNDr. Silvia Ružičková, PhD.


Summary: The focus of the project reflects on requirements of current analytical practices directed to the application of rapid, reliable and sufficiently sensitive methods providing reliable analytical result for trace to ultratrace level. Modern analytical methods in terms of sustainable development and environmental protection should be as close as possible to the phenomenon of "green chemistry". Two spectral methods, which will be studied in this project, have potential to meet these claims: SS-ETV-ICP-OES and HR-CS AAS. Proposed project builds on some of the results obtained from the previous research, it will be comparative in nature ("competitive" method) whereby its aims is to perform optimization, a comprehensive validation, establish key performance parameters in terms of the environmental analysis claims and define the possibilities of their application in the laboratory practice.